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Results of the Visual Basic Survey: Part 1 Language and Framework Usage

In January we created a survey to understand how folks were using Visual Basic 6.0 and Visual Basic .NET in the UK. This survey was sent out to individuals we “suspected” had Visual Basic 6.0 heritage but it was also widely advertised through the MSDN Flash to UK developers. This does not (nor was it ever intended to be) a survey across all platforms. The focus was very much Windows developers – therefore we would expect to see low usage of Java etc.

We got plenty of great data and I wanted to share the interesting bits more widely as I think as developers we are always curious about what our peers are up to. Well, I am 🙂

It is always great fun working with statistics – hence feel free to post your own conclusions. My University Lecturer on statistics would have summarised the first two chart as “The charts clearly show that UK Developers prefer to answer No more than Yes”  🙂

P.S. If you work in a  UK company with Visual Basic 6.0, then it is probably worth you checking out something we pulled together to help.

[UPDATE: 16th March 2009. I keep getting asked about the sample size. 10s of thousands of developers were given the chance to complete it as it went out widely in an email. Nearly 700 did]

This article is part of the GWB Archives. Original Author: Eric Nelson

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