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CoolCommands in Visual Studio 2008

After installing VS2008, I quickly noticed the absence of some of my favorite IDE helpers.

  • How do I copy project references between projects?
  • How do I locate the current document in the solution explorer, without turning on that annoying “track active” option

No problem.. I’ll just reinstall CoolCommands, or as I like to call it “Commands That Microsoft Should Have included, but didn’t” 

For the uninitiated, learn about coolcommands here –>

so first of all, I had a heck of a time finding a version available for download.  Luckily I know some one who’s much better an googling than I… CoolCommands download is available here –> I’ve mirrored the on my site as well

There is an issue with the install.bat however.  This version was meant to install into vs2005.  To install coolcommands for VS2008, modify the setup bat file. Replace the line that begins regpkg    with this

regpkg CoolCommands.dll /root:Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0 /codebase

run the setup and start up vs2008 and off you go.

I’m back in CoolCommand splendor.

This article is part of the GWB Archives. Original Author:  What Was I Thinking?

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